The Strangers are back!
I got to see The Strangers Chapter 1 today and was so eager to see it because it has been so long since we've had a new Strangers movie. I was so surprised that they would come back with a new one because I thought the franchise was quiet and done for good. I thought it was over after the second one, but I'm glad it did. The Stranger's Chapter 1 is very similar to The Original Stranger's Innocence, where it's the same plot where it's a couple in a strange town they've never been in. The car breaks down, so they don't have a car, and the girlfriend wants something to eat. Hence, the boyfriend leaves her at the house and gets her something to eat, so she's alone in the dark, eerie town with barely any cellular connection, which is bound to be the most traumatic experience. She's in the house alone. She's hearing noises and thinks she's seeing things, but she is still oblivious to it on the way up until someone knocks on the door (it made me so happy hearing this again). A girl asks whether Tamara is here, and the character Maya says no, but the mystery girl walks away. During this conversation, you can't even see her face, so it's Maya talking outside the door to a dark figure. It looks terrifying there in the dark. There are just trees around, no one near, and no neighbors. It's eerily quiet. It's sickening, puts you into her perspective, and makes you want to be like girl, close that door!
A lot of the movie was just basically containing running around trying to evade these crazy trio mask killers and it started to get repetitive and boring quickly I think maybe because since I've seen the first and second one and they've had that same style of action happen and plus with the weak jump scares it was just overplayed and kind of dull in a sense but it wasn't the worst I've seen but I definitely was expecting more for a reboot and I wish we would've gotten to see him more fighting instead of just running away from these killers I wanted more fight scenes more action more dialogue and interaction with the mask killers I think it would've made the movie just a little more intriguing but what I did like was we got to see a little more personality of the mass killers than we've seen ever before which made me really happy I loved that we got to see them the leading mask killer which is a man and he's very much playful and trolling and he's conniving in the way that he comes up with scaring them and taunting them in it's so awesome to see because they already have barely any dialogue as it is so for you to just interact with the way that you walk or the way that you look for Maya and Ryan and how you plan to scare them and even turning on the record player it's humorous it's trolling it's crazy all in one and it's so thrilling to see. And we get to see that pinup girl and man in the mask have some romantic connection, which is so insane and funny and unhinged to see while torturing these people's lives. I love it; we now know they have a connection. Overall, the film is good. It's not great, but it's chapter 1. It's not the ending of the story. It's the beginning, and we all need to be patient for the second one to kick up the action and dialogue and wait to see what happens. It has the potential to be excellent. The worst part of the movie for me was the ending. I wanted more than what we got, and I wouldn't say I liked the waiting game for the next one. I know it will be a while, but it's good to let people digest what we just saw. You know the anticipation will be more, and more people will want to see how this plays out and how it ends, so it's both good and bad, but it's a movie to see.
Don’t mess with Tamara
you need to watch this asap!
I have been into 2000s horror movies recently, and I came across a film that I've never seen but always saw the cover of it. I never clicked on it because I thought it was stupid and not really to my taste, but I finally decided to give it a try, and thank God I did! I watched the movie Tamara a few days ago, and I am obsessed with her!!! The movie is about a high school, antisocial, socially awkward girl who is constantly getting bullied and picked on at school. The only person she enjoys being around is her teacher. Still, the people in her class make it so miserable for her, even in that classroom around the teacher. One night, her classmates decided to prank her in a horrible, embarrassing way that I hate for her. They set her up in a cheap motel and filmed her online. She passes away that night, and how her classmates took care of it is so trashy and dehumanizing, and this causes her to come back alive from the grave and haunt every single person who has done her dirty. She taunts, kills, and tortures all of these people until it has gone way too far. Her teacher begs her to stop and says this isn't like her. I agree; that wasn't Tamara. The camera at the beginning of the movie is sweet and just looking for friendships. But when you are tired of being tired, this is the result. It is such a great movie. I don't want to say how it ends, so you should watch it instead!
Seven is insanely good
I watched the movie Seven for the first time and didn't know why it took me so long to watch it. Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman star in a crime/ mystery movie and do such an exceptional job with their wives as detectives. Gwyneth Paltrow is also in it and plays Brad Pitt's wife. She has very little saying in this movie, but still makes the biggest impact and motives. Recently, I've been working on watching more classes that I haven't seen because, believe it or not, there are a lot of classics that I have yet to watch, which is crazy to think. So I watched Seven because I had seen a post of the best crime movies. I kept seeing Seven showing up everywhere, so I was like, yeah, it's time to sit down and watch this.
The director is David Fincher, who also directed Fight Club, Gone Girl, and Alien 3. I love the Alien franchise, so I had a good feeling I would like Seven. Still, I have yet to see Fight Club, which is on my list! The movie is called Seven because there is a serial killer on the loose killing people and essentially inspired by the seven deadly sins, which I think is so different and insane, and I love it. The movie reels you in very quickly from the beginning, But I believe you are more locked in during the last 40 minutes of the movie. It’s like you don't want the film to end. The ending is insane and twisted, so unexpected. It's one of the greatest endings to a movie I have ever seen. I don't know why it took me so long to see this. Still, this is officially on my list as one of the best movies ever.